Whether under the shower, in bed, when urinating or shaving – for Giovanni nudity is more than just the exposure of skin. Each of his photos catches the easy, serene and natural sex appeal of the penis and its owner. These naked male bodies, in seemingly profane poses are draped in an aura simply exploding with eroticism. Giovanni again made the conscious decision to not include his model’s faces. His photos are fragments, showing just an outtake of what is going on. This anonymity allows the models to relax into their poses, providing the shots an additional touch of authenticity.
After the smashing success of his first book, Bites, Giovanni continues to pursue his unconventional view of the masculine with his most recent series of photos. However Private Parts is much more than just the simple continuation of Bites, a project he started back in 1995. This second collection provides new perspectives, presents unique situations and captures moments where his models passionately present their most intimate body part, allowing it to be the sole object of our cumulative desire.
Giovanni, pseudonym for a well-known photographer, works in the fashion industry and has been photographing male nudes for several years now with great success. Most of us would recognise his works without realising it stems from his lens. After the bombastic achievement of his first work, Bites, he continues his triumphal procession with Private Parts.
Photobook, hardcover, 112 pages, 7 x 9.5 inch, 18 x 24,5 cm