Kristen Bjorn: Stallions
At long last, here is Kristen Bjorn´s third opulently illustrated book published by Bruno Gmünder. For years an important institution in the pornographic line of business, we present the most beautiful pictures taken from our newest films: masculine men of all nations in portrait and exciting group shots. If you are looking for vigorous stallions – be sure to strike gold!
At long last, here is Kristen Bjorn´s third opulently illustrated book published by Bruno Gmünder. For years an important institution in the pornographic line of business, we present the most beautiful pictures taken from our newest films: masculine men of all nations in portrait and exciting group shots. If you are looking for vigorous stallions – be sure to strike gold!
Kristen Bjorn´s guys let the pages rustle with electricity! Bjorn´s collection assembles a large variety of body and skin types – all of them united in the expression of vibrant self-confident sexuality and with irresistable sex-appeal. The exotic settings further fuel the viewer´s imagination. On 112 large-size pages and in Bjorn´s familiar brilliant colours he shows us once again what we – indifferent of our colour of skin – all share together: cracking eroticism! Kristen Bjorn once again succeeds to live up to his famous reputation!
Kristen Bjorn, born in 1957, began his carrier in 1981 as a performer at the Falcon studios. In 1989, he published his first hard core video. Ever since, he has been shooting exceedingly successful gay erotic films worldwide.